It is with great pleasure to inform you that we have achieved a record donation result of 31,000 € for the campaign “Hörer helfen Kindern“...
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30.000 Euro donation result at the Hanse Lounge FAMILY STREET DAY for the campaign “Hörer helfen Kindern“ of Radio Hamburg and we are very happy that we can alleviate the small and big worries of children.
Since 2013, children with serious illnesses and disabilities have been cared for at the New Kupferhof in idyllic surroundings so that the rest of the family can take a time out.
Mariam Maguiraga (12 years) lives in Mümmelmannsberg with her mother and her two siblings Karim (five years) and Seydou (six years).
Jonas is 9 years old and was born with Down’s syndrome. He lives together with his parents and his 5 year old sister Lenja in a house in Pinneberg.
The association “Time for the Future – Mentors for Children” was founded in 2013. Children between 6 and 16 years of age from burdened families are provided with an adult mentor for at least one year...
Three years ago, Charles, the single father of three children, had a very serious accident as co-driver of a delivery van. The van drove at high speed into a group of free-running horses...
Jennifer Trampler (physiotherapist, 34) and Okko Goeters (heating engineer, 38) live in the north of Hamburg. After their daughter Lina (5 years) the Tramplers became parents of twins.
30.000 Euro is the donation result of the Hanse Lounge Family Day for the benefit oft he campaign “Hörer helfen Kindern” of Radio Hamburg” and we are very happy that we could alleviate the small and big worries of children and help one or the other institution.
Founded four years ago, the “Lufthafen”, now Germany’s largest pediatric respiratory centre, looks after children and adolescents who cannot breathe sufficiently independently.
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